Initially working in a small marketing and advertising firm after college, Don joined a telecom company as a sales person in 2002. As the telecom industry underwent dramatic consolidation, he made a significant career change and accepted a position in finance with a small mortgage broker in 2002. The brokerage was dedicated to generating high quality loans achieving total client satisfaction while ensuring the team remained fully compliant with increasing regulations. This experience proved to be the perfect training ground to avoid those programs and processes that besieged the industry in the mid 2000’s.

To this day, he enjoys long-term relationships with real estate agents , financial advisors, and attorneys who appreciate an honest loan officer with a collaborative communication style and the ability to quickly identify the perfect program for every client’s needs. With over $500,000,000 in successful transactions, Don brings vast experience in Jumbo, Conforming, FHA, VA, Construction, and various community programs resulting in his customers’ achieving optimal financing.

Don is a lifelong resident of Virginia, calling Reston home since 1974. He's married to an incredible wife and father to a pair of wonderful sons. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, mountain biking, and golfing. He also has held numerous positions in organizations affiliated with the community and kids growth, such as member (1995-2002) and President (2000) of the Reston Lions Club; member of the Reston Children’s Center Board of Directors (2007-2010); Cub Scout Den Leader (2008-2013); Boy Scout Assistant Scoutmaster (2013-Present); as well as various coaching positions.

Virginia License# MLO-5848VA​

Maryland License# 309365

District of Columbia License# MLO309365​

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CONTACT Don Frutchey